Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Quick clips for Tuesday April 21

OMG, Twitter works?!

First and foremost, in the interest of having ONE technological advancement that "The Reader" isn't the last to adopt (example discussion at the office: "What's a facebook?" "The new website will roll out in May of '04...er...May of '06...er...May of '07...er...May of '08...er...May of '09...er...okay, fine, you got me, what's a website?"), the Film Section is on Twitter. Check us out, we're @thereaderfilm. If you start following us (btw, love the stalker-ish way that sounds), we may start updating more often. Anyhoo, this new technology has actually already yielded cool information. @davidwain, one of the founding members of the single greatest sketch comedy group since Kids in the Hall, has finally revealed that THE STATE COMPLETE SERIES WILL BE RELEASED ON DVD JULY 19. For realz. No lies this time. After screaming until my lungs were raw for such a delicious treat, I had scoured all of the internets to find sketches from the group. I was able to secure 5 episodes on iTunes, which reminded me how exceptional the show was. The brilliance of the show, which blended sketches into one another a la Monty Python and Mr. Show, was the brevity of it. Most sketches last maybe 2-3 minutes, often less. The result is a unique barrage of humor, not an over-exploration of one funny idea until the oil well pumps out air. I've been walking around saying things like "Call me old fashioned, but I believe there's just one god...and he lives in that lake" for weeks now since I've seen it and I need more people to laugh with me. So this actually represents two big pieces of news (1) The State is coming (5 discs of joy) and (2) Twitter works for news collection (I was also informed about Kevin Smith's spousal oral sex antics...nope, not kidding, ain't technology grand?!).

Babes hate Watchmen

So...Zack Snyder can pretend that this has nothing to do with Watchmen generally disappointing laypeople, but it does. According to Chud.com, who likely got it somewhere else but I couldn't find where, more smokin' hot hotties have dropped out of Snyder's "Hot chicks in an insane asylum...with violence" movie Sucker Punch. In this case it was Evan Rachel Wood (who is set to play MJ in Broadway's Spiderman musical...yes, that still feels weird to type) and Emma Stone (who I love and am the most sad to see leave). They are replaced by Jenna Malone (okay, I can dig it) and Jamie Chung (sorry, who?). So this means you lost Amanda Seyfried ("Big Love" and Mamma Mia!), Stone (Superbad), and Wood (The Wrestler) and got Malone (um, I guess Donnie Darko about 8 years ago), Chung (sorry, still don't know), and Emily Browning as your lead (um, she was apparently Lemony Snickett...which I'm told is a movie and not a candy). Oh, and your highest profile remaining "original" cast member, is the chick from High School Musical who took her clothes off and sent pictures of herself across the world (well, likely just to one person, but that's just as stupid). Point is, this just became a collection of question-mark actresses and not higher profile young starlets. Now, Zackie baby, you can still make this work to your advantage. If you can produce an awesome, balls-out movie that ISN'T degrading but somehow both sexy and kick-ass empowering, you're going to endear yourself to a lot of young actress (particularly if a few get MORE famous from the movie) and prove that you're no one-trick pony. Do that, and the world is your oyster. Also, hopefully this downgrade in talent gave you a few more sheckels to use on effects and whatnot. Surprisingly still looking forward to this (in part because I want to see Malone look saucy...I'll admit it).


The Fighter was, at one point, the next Darren Aronofsky movie. Now, according to Variety, it's the next David O Russell movie. So, we're never going to see The Fighter, featuring Christian Bale and Mark Wahlberg, who would play "Irish" Mickey Ward. I suppose that isn't fair, but come on, Russell isn't known for being able to actually complete movies easily (still no clue what's up with Nailed), and this project was too tough for Aronofsky to finish and he made The Fountain and The Wrestler. Seriously. Although, to keep the streak going, Aronofsky will now have to call his next film The Robocop, which I'm okay with. Also, interesting point, the battle for best innovative director who is artistically on top may be tilting toward Aronofsky for me, solely because of productivity. If somehow The Robocop manages to be incredible, he'll pull into a tie with his main rival, Paul Thomas Anderson. By my count, Anderson has Hard Eight, Boogie Nights, Punch Drunk Love, Magnolia, and There Will Be Blood. Aronofsky has Pi, Requiem for a Dream, The Fountain, and The Wrestler and now The Robocop. Plus, Aronofsky has the edge in hot wife (Rachel Weisz, although Anderson either did date or is dating Fiona Apple, so points there) and has a sweet porn stache. Until I hear otherwise, things are looking up for Mr. A.
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