Friday, May 29, 2009

Friday Free-For-All

All doubts gone; James Cameron IS revolutionizing using stuff from his other films

Concept art is perhaps the single coolest behind-the-scene thing involved in movies besides the guy whose job it is to make sure Rachel McAdams is properly stuffed in her corset. It's where dreamers get to ignore budget and practicality and just let their imaginations run wild, spitballing and flying on the wings of paint and pencil. Geez, you know it's a day when a Pixar movie comes out when I spew happy-clappy, Disney crap like that. At any rate, I remember checking out Ralph McQuarrie's art for Star Wars; it was almost more awe-inducing than seeing the movie (unlike puppies which are aww-inducing or woodshop projects, which are awl-inducing...I could keep going, but I won't). I guess viewing concept art is comparable to what it was like in the old days when people would "read books" (some of them had fancy pictures and such!) and use their "imaginations." Thank God we don't have to do that anymore. The latest concept art leak comes from Marketsaw, which is dedicated (as far as I can tell) to 3D movie news and making sweet verbal love to James Cameron.

They acquired some art from the upcoming book that goes behind-the-scenes of Avatar, a movie that now physically cannot support the weight being put on it, even with the might of James Cameron's ego. Click on this fancy link (Marketsaw) for the full image. A word of warning: for no good reason, that 3D blog affixed to JC's buttox is an eyesore. It has three different colors of text, plus bold and underlining and a myriad of other HOLYCRAPLOOKATTHIS features. Also, another word of warning, the concept art may destroy your opinion of what's about to be unleashed. As near as I can tell, someone stole Ripley's power suit from the end of Aliens and is walking through Degobah with some wreckage of ships from Terminator behind him. In the other image (not included) is some genetically modified dinosaurs from Jurassic Park chasing a ship from Terminator through the Amazon. Sure, there could be a good story or characters behind this, and the 3D could be the coolest thing to happen to anybody since that one guy was told he'd be the corset checker on the new Rachel McAdams movie...or this could just be a fun little sci-fi movie. Side note: If you'd like this blog to be in four different colors and have flashing, glittery boxes around stuff, I'd do that for you. I really would. I love you that much.

Weekend battle plan: Get high...that's a metaphor for seeing Up, not an endorsement for meth

Truth be told, if you want to go see Drag Me To Hell, I'm good with that. Hell, if nothing else, success for this movie may be a message to the studios that crap out horror films that suck worse than finding out you were almost the guy who got to be Rachel McAdam's corset checker. It may show them that, if the movie is actually good, it will do even more money. More than likely, we'll still be getting Saw 17 (sorry, they use those classy Roman numerals, so I think it's Saw that right?). The big thing to take home, however, is that you must see Up There's just no good reason for you to avoid a movie like this. It has cross-generational appeal, which in Hollywood terms means it's going to do enough money to leverage a bank. Why would you not go see this? Every single one. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. I mean, Cars was their worst and I STILL think it's pretty decent. Mathematically speaking, many of you went to go see Paul Blart Mall Cop, so if you don't go see Up, you're saying that you'd rather support Kevin James buying a second gold-plated toilet to crap in than giving the artists at Pixar your support. Or, to put it another way, you are a bad person.

That's my recommendation: See Up or you are morally bankrupt. If you want to see Drag Me to Hell, that's fine too. But you need to see Up at some point. I'll be watching.

On DVD: Hell if I know. I saw that there's a Harlan Ellison documentary that went straight-to-DVD that I'll be watching, but I'm not going to recommend something like the Renee Zellweger movie to you. Ugh. I don't think I did the appropriate justice to the story I told on the radio today, but you get the idea. People went in to see New in Town optimistic, full of life, and ready to contribute to society. They came out pessimistic, longing for death, and anarchists. What I'm saying is, if you rent this movie you may turn into a serial killer. There hasn't been much hitting DVD lately because the studios all want you going to the theater. I do too (go see Up), so I'll just leave it at no recommendation for this week.

Fearless, flawless box office predictions

Last week was another good one for me, I've been on a streak lately. I'm about 1/80th as happy as Rachel McAdam's corset checker, which is still an incredible amount. Clearly, Up is going to be first, but by how much? Will Night at the Museum 2: We've Run Out of Good Ideas possibly steal some thunder? If the answer to that question is yes, the answer to life is no. I'm thinking that we're going to see another precipitous drop for Terminator Salvation, based on the fact that it's quite bad. Much like Wolverine, it got what it was going to get early on. It will limply make a ton of money overseas and enough domestically to justify it's existence and to continue the cycle of another lifeless franchise. It really makes me admire the Harry Potter model. Regular installments that have good directors and keep getting better. That's admirable. Here come the haikus.

Here's how I see it:

1.) Up - $67 million

Pixar is perfect.
I wish them even more success.
Wow, I'm a suck up.

2.) Night at the Museum 2: Museum Stupider - $31 million

Major first weekend.
Here's hoping for a drop off.
As in, off a cliff.

3.) Drag Me to Hell - $25 million

Horror fans unite!
You see all the crappy films,
you'd better see this.

4.) Terminator Salvation - $18 million

In a little while,
we will forget this happened.
Bye-bye to McG.

5.) Star Trek - $13 million

It keeps making cash.
See what happens when it's good?
Please, someone notice.

WILDCARD - Angels and Demons - $12 million

Another sad sack.
Forgettable is the word.
Summer '09: Blah.

Have a great weekend gang.
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