Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Quick clips for Tuesday June 30

Amy Adams is hereby warned to avoid walking through the background of sets

Why? Because she's undeniably quirky/hot/talented/soft-looking and Christian Bale is undeniably angry/angry/angry/dangerous. Variety reports that the lovely redhead is in negotiations to star with Bale and Mark Wahlberg in The Fighter, the latest movie from director David O. Russell (the "O" stands for "Oh-my-god-this-set-is-uncomfortable"). The movie is a retelling of the life of "Irish" Mickey Ward, and the shooting locale is now the best place to find unchecked acts of testosteronicity in the United States (The Expendables is filming overseas). Seriously, you have Russell (whose last project imploded before recollecting its molecules and then exploded), Bale (has he done anything to indicate an anger problem, I can't remember), and Wahlberg (if you call him Marky Mark, he will face-rape you). And somehow, the sweet and charming Amy Adams wants to walk into that. Were there no bear cages you could wear a salmon suit into? Seriously, you're only in negotiations Amy and I think you've already been harassed. Here's a list of 5 things you're going to want to negotiate for:
  1. A bodyguard who isn't afraid to kill celebrities
  2. Specialty ear-wear to protect your hearing from Bale's growl
  3. A spit guard to protect you from Russell's phlegm-laced tirades
  4. The funky bunch
  5. A salary equal to the gross domestic product of Guam that is guaranteed, so when the project goes supernova, you still get yours
I'll see this movie (should it get made), I'm interested in the subject matter (provided Russell doesn't change it to a movie about a talking guppy during shooting), and it could bring some awards talk (if the cast survives).

Please, recession, take anything but our mediocre-sounding Tony Scott/Denzel Washington movies

Variety has had the unpleasant job of reminding us frequently these days that the industry they count on to give them money does have some issues (I say some because Transformers 2 is officially the biggest wad of fecal matter to ever gross $400 million in the blink of a Bay's eye). First came the untimely demise of Moneyball, the Steven Soderbergh/Brad Pitt baseball movie (which may not be entirely dead, just mostly dead...Columbia is trying to resurrect it but it's looking bleak). Now comes word that Fox, the little studio who shouldn't, is freakin' out over the budget for Unstoppable, a generically titled, generic sounding, generically cast "suspense thriller." Tony Scott is set to direct, which means Denzel Washington MUST be involved (someone should really look into the relationship between those two...I'm pretty sure they're common-law married by now). The other star is Chris "I'm Kirk now, Dammit" Pine, who is making this his first post-Star Trek flick...provided it happens. It looks like the film is still going to happen, but it will be delayed as they try to squeeze some dollar signs out of the "runaway train filled with chemicals" movie. I think what's interesting here is that this sudden concern about budgets isn't really being handled right. See, if it were me, and I'm just spitballing here, I would worry about shaving $25 million from the $200 million movie (because it's probably easier) than I would shaving $10 million from the $60 million movie (where it would be noticed more). Just a thought. This does give some evidence as to why studios like F#@ks studio will only greenlight shitty, shitty remakes: They can project the exact return on the flaming piles, as all remakes have a ceiling. What I'm trying to say is, this is an omen, not of reconsidering inflated crazy budgets, but trimming middle-of-the-road movies in favor of remakes and sequels. Happy Tuesday!

Let's take a peek at some Dicks

I was so let down by Zach and Miri Make a Porno and the recent comic book writing of my former hero Kevin Smith (seriously, my man crush was formerly epic)...that I really stopped following him. That is, I stopped following him until I read his Twitter feed (speaking of which, read mine). He made me laugh, showed the same self-awareness that endeared himself to me, and continued to post info about his next movie, A Couple of Dicks, which sounds stupid but also stars Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan, two guys I like. Now the cast is swelling to include Michelle Trachtenberg (who is beloved by the Buffyfiles I know) and Jason Lee (of course). Those small pieces of casting are my excuse to talk about Smith, but this is really a post wherein I admit how badly I'm pulling for Smith. He didn't write the script on this, so my hopes are high, as I think he needs to rest his pen a bit. His recent "Batman: Cacophany" was as boring and uninspired as Zach and Miri was redundant and stupid...but God help me I like him and want him to succeed. I want him to find his voice again, and sometimes directing or dealing with someone else's words are the best way back to that. This screwball comedy about cops may not be the best film ever, but if it's a step in the right direction, it will be welcomed with open arms. I don't need to see Smith do a superhero movie, but I would love to see him tackle something with a bit more of himself in it, not the persona he's cultivated over the last decade. Okay, time to end with something funny and not this boring personal cry of support: The funniest story Smith told the last time I saw him speak was about Ben Affleck describing to Kev the horrid things he had done to the glorious Jennifer Garner, starting with "Hey, Kev, you know that chick who plays Elektra." Gotta love it.

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