Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Headlines are tough, Variety...but maybe you try harder?

I only quibble because it seems a little distasteful for Variety to announce that Uma Thurman will play a woman who helped rescue 140 schoolgirls abducted in Uganda who were turned into soldiers with the headline "Uma Thurman is a Girl Soldier." Well...not really. See, Thurman will be playing someone who HELPED the girl soldiers out. So, you could have said "Uma Thurman helps Girl Soldier" or "Uma Thurman to save Girl Soldier" without implying that she was going to play a suffering Ugandan. Just saying. Now, onto the movie itself, which sounds important and chilling, like a Margaret Atwood book in the freezer. The film follows the book "Stolen Angels," about a 1996 raid on a band of armed rebels who kidnapped girls and turned them into sex slaves and soldiers. For her part, Thurman seems passionate about the project, noting that the subject of child soldiers is overlooked far too often. Effing A agreed on that one, Uma. Also, it's kind of nice to see Uma working again. She had been pushed into the well that women of "a certain age" are forced to fall down in Hollywood, despite showing in Kill Bill (most recently) that she can act the shit out of most parts she's given. If she plays her cards right, this could be the type of role that gets her some Academy love. She could be doing the Mickey Rourke career resurrection two-step without having to go through the terrible drug abuse or having to look like Mickey Rourke.

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