Friday, October 23, 2009

Hottest Torso not on actress

Brian Michael Bendis wrote a phenomenal graphic novel called "Torso" that hasn't been turned into a movie because people are stupid. Really, that's all I got. I mean, it so perfectly would work as a major film that I cannot for the life of me fathom how this hasn't happened yet other than to conclude that Hollywood works like Darwin's theory of evolution in reverse. I mean, here's a retelling of America's first serial killer (true story) who was hunted down by Eliot Ness...yes, THAT Eliot Ness. So, you have a recognizable character in a time-period procedural suspense movie, Oh, by all means, hurry up and make a sequel to Alvin and the Chipmunks but leave this on the back burner to incinerate. Good news, though, as Bendis told MTV that things may be heating up again, alluding to the fact that David Fincher (Se7en) may still be attached. I don't care if he is or he isn't because this thing is such a neatly wrapped package of greatness that it would take someone like Uwe Boll or Paul WS Anderson to screw it up. Oh, God, did I just put those people in the same blog post with Torso? That means that they'll officially be "rumored to be involved" with the project if someone reads this. Shriek.

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