Friday, October 23, 2009

Hurry, hurry before it gets taken down: Avatar's second trailer!

I'm going to keep the introduction to this short, but has a bootleg of the new Avatar trailer. It WILL be taken down, so watch it now.

Okay, I'm doing this super fast so as many of you can see it as possible. My top 5 thoughts:

1.) Apparently the dialogue was written by using a Mad Libs of classic movie lines (eg, "You're not in Kansas any more")

2.) The pace, music, and overall feel are so much better than the first trailer that whoever cut that first one should be fired and killed...maybe not in that order.

3.) I'm still not sold on how absolutely out of sync the "real world" stuff is from the CGI world. I don't need "photorealism," but I am pretty much ALWAYS aware that what I'm seeing is goofy and fake looking. Also, I still hate the design of the Thundersmurfs.

4.) They are going out of their way to remind us of the trust we should have for James Cameron, listing ALL of his good movies...but I probably would have left True Lies out of there...and maybe put the Terminator 2 one on the same frame as Terminator...and not used the Papyrus font still for the movie's logo...but you know, baby steps.

5.) I will officially move this from the going-to-be-a-total-turd pile and into the probably-going-to-be-just-okay pile.

So, overall, not a home run, but a solid double. What did you think?

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