Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sam Worthington must be stopped

Here's the truth, I could give two sparrow farts about Flash Gordon. Other than rocking out like all decent humans to the bitchin' theme song (included below for fun), I have no vested interest in the subject matter.

The closest I have come to caring about the material was that once I accidentally put that it was Dolph Lundgren in the 1980s remake when it was really some dude I'd never heard of before or after and an astute reader caught me doing it. That was the single time I considered Mr. Gordon for more than a moment. We've known for awhile now that they were making a new version of the totally stupid story involving a quarterback who goes into space and fights a largely obviously racist stereotype of Asians named "Ming the Merciless," but now Cinematical has pointed me to Hollyscoop (which is likely making shit up). The latter site says that Sam "I'm in everything despite being largely talentless" Worthington is in talks to Flash it up. On the one hand, who gives a crap what is done to Flash Gordon. On the other...we are inching slowly closer to a world in which every movie features Sam Worthington and his thinly veiled Australian accent. This must end. I am about ready to proclaim a Coalition Opposing Worthington (COW). Fear the coming of COW, Mr. Worthington. Fear it.

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