Monday, January 25, 2010

As a staunch defender of Gremlins 2, I protest!!

MarketSaw is says they're thinking about making Gremlins 3D no less, which is where MarketSaw comes in, because they go full-retard for 3D. Sure, 3D is heating up now, but it's kind of like having a blog dedicated entirely to movie news about only films featuring Steve Buscemi; it's cool, but kind of weirdly limited. I kid because they're so big they could crush me. Also, They also aren't exactly 100% reliable, but neither am I, so there you go. Personally, I have only about a 50% problem with this.
  • 10% of that concern is about the writer/director team (this goes away if they hire any of the following in any of the roles: Guillermo Del Toro, Quentin Tarantino, Joe Dante, Sam Raimi, or Edgar Wright).
  • 10% of that concern is about the cast (if the film is populated by CW's insipid hunks and sluts, I'm out).
  • 10% of that concern is about the effects used (if they go halfsies on digital and practical gremlins, I'm Fonzie with it...if they go all CGI, I'm pissed off like a bear...I'm Fozzie with it).
  • 10% of that concern is with the tone (it's a horror comedy, not just a straight-up comedy...although I liked Gremlins 2, so sue me).
  • 10% of that concern is with the title (if it's just Gremlins 3D, I'm going to be disappointed. Howsabout Gremlins (No, not the cars)?)
So, as you can see, my hesitation is scientific. With the right people, the right cast, the right idea, I'm in. Until then, I may just rewatch the criminally unloved Gremlins 2. Enjoy some now.

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