Monday, October 4, 2010


I figure I died sometime around 1:30 yesterday morning. As I suspected, going to a midnight movie on Thursday, writing a review and driving to Manhattan Kansas on Friday night, getting up at 5:30 am on Saturday and Sunday, before driving back to Omaha at 11:30 or so and watching my Bears get molested and broken by the Giants until 1:30 in the morning was a recipe for the death of my soul and mind. Oh, and this week just happens to have in it my brother-in-law and dear friend Cody's wedding at the end of it...and his bachelor party I'm throwing on Thursday night. So, you're going to have to forgive me for this week's bloggery, which will be absent totally on Friday, cut somewhat short today, and will likely be mediocre on the remaining days of the week, whatever those may be (Smorklesday? Is that a day? The one between Tuesday and Flootlesday?).

Let's kick off the shenanigans with a double-dose of the only real movie/TV news of the weekend...and it's all about the ladies.

First up: Here's MJ if she'll take it. Word is out that Emma Stone has been offered the role of Mary Jane Watson in the Spider-man reboot. The second piece of good news about the movie, after the fact that The Social Network proved Andrew Garfield is pretty damn good as an actor...even if he has a weirdly long neck. I'm not saying I'm EXCITED for this reboot now, because I'm not. I still think it's stupid. But if you have Garfield, Stone, and a really good villain (like Philip Seymour Hoffman as has been drunkenly rumored), I may just end up liking it. That's the best I could hope for.

Second: Someone will be putting these on.
David E. Kelly, he of law shows, law shows, and law shows, is going to adapt a TV series out of "Wonder Woman," which is a terribly stupid idea. Superheroes should work on TV, but don't because the budgets are too small, so you inevitably have a lackluster confrontation in each episode. What we'll get will be some relationship-heavy, silly take on a relatively simple character. They should just make a movie, beef up her Greek origins, and really make something DC can be proud of. Oh, right, DC makes terrible entertainment outside of their comic books. Nevermind. This is about right. I look forward to the wave of nubile actresses from Nickelodeon and Disney Channel who will be targeted to slink into Wonder Woman's underoos for a series that will be canceled 5 episodes in. I give it that long because we all know it will go to the WB and they don't cancel things quickly, because if they did, their channel would be all-static all the time.

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