Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Because people who read my shiznit love TMNT

I don't know each and every one of you reading this right now...okay, maybe I do, I just don't know that I do. But I do know that at least some of you reading this are apeshit nerds for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and aren't even shy or ashamed about that like you should be. Need I remind you that there was a movie of said martial-artist reptiles that featured VANILLA ICE repeated yelling "Go ninja, go ninja, go!" See:

If you are a fan of TMNT, you are okay with that. Anyhoodle (yes, I'm aware I mocked others for watching TMNT and then used "anyhoodle"...deal with it), Variety is reporting that a writer has been hired to bring the little headband wearing mothertruckers back to life in live-action form. That writer's name is John Fusco and he also wrote Young Guns and Hidalgo. Wait...what? Horses and turtles have nothing in common! Seriously, have you tried to ride a turtle? It sucks, as they are very smooshable. Horses, notsomuch. Although I hope this means more work for Emilio Estevez (who is more than willing to do a terrible Asian accent for Splinter), I'm a little concerned about what this means for the turtles. See, Hidalgo was basically a love story between a dude and his horse. I'm not okay with that. This means we could be seeing some human-on-turtle action, and we've got kids to think about here. I'm not sure the tone they're going to go for (I heard it will be serious), but I have to encourage them to go for the humorous angle. You simply can't sell this concept in live-action form and have it not end with this:

You just remember that.

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