Friday, October 30, 2009

Mad Max beyond Gibsondome

THR has put the nail in Mel Gibson's tenure as Mad Max's Max Rokatansky, the most leather-wearin', Thunderdome-rockin', post-apocalyptic NASCAR driver of all time. The trade mag reports that Thomas Hardy will take the lead from the sugar-tits-tosser. I'm also told that the Thomas Hardy referred to here is this man (shown all ripped for his role in Bronson):
It is apparently that large breasted gentleman and NOT the late 19th century/early 20th century British poet and novelist who wrote "Tess of the D'Urbervilles," which is kind of a bummer. Also, Charlize Theron IS reportedly in talks for a role in the film, she's shown here stalking me:
Okay fine, she's not stalking me, let's assume she heard that there will be a lot of car chases in the new Mad Max and wants to know what a car looks like from crouching behind it? I don't know what's happening here, but she looks like she just got caught doin' her lady business behind a Prius, doesn't it? Anyway, it sounds like the new Mad Max movie isn't a remake or a reboot, it's a straight-up continuation of the story, which is fine because I believe the story of Mad Max thus far is "post-apocalypse, people drive and fight." Should be able to pick right up. OH, I know, Theron is changing back into a tiger because the sun is setting? Sorry, that picture is going to keep bothering me.

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