Friday, November 13, 2009

Rambo - Monster = Blah

So awhile back, Sly Stallone semi-announced that in his next excursion from the old folks home, Rambo would be hunting a manbearpig, or at least some kind of wild creature genetically modified by the government. Turns out, that was a pretty shitty idea. So the big man contacted the folks at StalloneZone, which sounds like a theme night at a gay disco, to let everyone know that he scrapped the idea in favor of a "classic" feeling Rambo adventure, noting "Rambo himself will be heading over the border to a violent city where many young women have vanished." Yay! More generic geriatric adventures! He did cryptically note that the manbearpig will be hunted by "other characters" in a different movie. I'm hoping he means Oscar, a character which has fallen into obscurity for far too long.

Probably not. Still, instead of getting Rambo to hunt an animal or whoever is killing the village girls, howsabout he hunts the most dangerous game of all:
Grown Ups
Raise your hand if you think Chris Rock spends his weekends fishing.

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