Tuesday, July 6, 2010

None shall pass

Things are getting grim for The Hobbit, folks. Although one would imagine the easiest thing in the world would be making a prequel to a film series with grosses in the billions, one would be more wrong than anyone not named Glenn Beck. First we lost Guillermo del Toro. Then we lost the start date and release dates. Now, because of all of this, we may lose Gandalf.
Shown here with the people responsible for making the decisions that have led The Hobbit to this level of ruin, Ian McKellen can no longer wait. Let's face it, he's no spring chicken, and holding out hope that things are going to get fixed enough for him to participate is just no longer reasonable. If I'm a betting man, this is going to end up as one of those exploding projects we're talking about for years, examining how it all went so wrong as to deny us more Middle Earthy goodness. I'm one of the few who doesn't NEED to see The Hobbit, but who wouldn't at least enjoy some more? Sorry, world.

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