Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Weighty decision

Let's get something straight, Alfonso Cuaron's Gravity is going to be incredible. Robert Downey Jr has already agreed to star in a film about an astronaut stranded in space who tries to fight HER way home to earth. Wait, did I just use a FEMALE descriptor in that last sentence? Why yes, yes I did. Both Marion Cotillard and Angelina Jolie considered the role, and when RDJ's involvement was announced, it was assumed the script had been flipped gender-wise, but not so fast. It looks like THR is reporting that the female role will still be the lead, leading me to surmise that RDJ will be the Ed Harris to the female version of Tom Hanks in Apollo 13. So who's the lady going to be? They've narrowed things down to two:

Blake Lively, star of the upcoming and sure to be awesome The Town and the upcoming and not so sure to be awesome Green Lantern, enthusiast of dressing like a schoolgirl.

And Miss Scarlett J, the Black Widow herself, possessor of what artists and horndogs will agree may be God's finest female anatomy.

Supposedly, the two women have both been tested (not like that) and are awaiting word from Cuaron. The studio likes Lively because she's done work for them, but Cuaron has been sold on Johansson from the get go. Personally, you know I'm pulling for Scarlett, if only to finally settle the matter of whether or not she's actually talented. Landing a role once circled by Jolie and Cotillard and then actually pulling it off would go a long way in establishing her as an actual actress. If they go with Lively, I'm still there, as Children of Men earned Cuaron's future films a lifetime pass, but I'm hoping this is my chance to ogle Johansson in space.

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