Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ryan's Junk Drawer

It's one of those slow, lazy kind of days. The kind where I am, at best, going to give you a peek inside my junk drawer and then call it a day. Oh, don't act all sad like you want more than that, this blog is verbose, and I prattle on for way too long each time out anyway. You probably just skim through it, so you can make do with this one-stop buffet of tasty film nuggets until tomorrow...mmmm, tomorrow. Do you think if the days of the week were people that they would all hate Friday, who would obviously be the most attractive one? You think Thursday would be all "Friday has herpes, I heard it from Tuesday." Meanwhile, Monday is constantly attempting suicide, only to find that the universe won't allow the sweet release of death...this is what I think of when I'm tired.

Here's what's in my junk drawer this week:

1.) Because nobody can get enough Bruce Campbell - alerted me (okay, and other people as well) to the fact that Evil Dead is being re-released in theaters as a midnight feature. This is not that big of a deal to people who live in Omaha (we're that cool), as The Dundee Theatre has shown Evil Dead 2 as a midnight feature several times (including, you know, Tomorrow and Saturday). Still, what it represents is a potential move by certain production companies to attempt to get "classic" cult films back into movie houses. This is a great look for it to be abandoned soon. I remember that years and years ago (before Dundee was doing it), a local theater brought Raiders of the Lost Ark back to the big screen. I had never seen it that way, and so my Dad and I went. It was probably one of my top 5 movie-going experiences. Anyway, I'm rambling (go figure), but look for this:
evil_dead.jpg evil dead image by PudgeForPresident
To be coming back near you sometime soon. Rad.

2.) This is why I'm mad at someone you know - Unless one guy has built a house out of copies of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, there's a lot of sick bastards in this world, as Variety is reporting that the mongoloid-made movie for morons sold something like 109 billion copies of the DVD. Okay, that's a little high, but it really was like 7.5 million, which is about 7.5 million too many. I'm not talking rentals, I'm talking PURCHASES. As in, someone SAW the movie already and WANTS to see it again. Yeah, I know, sick isn' t it? The answer is probably that it is as close as 7.5 million fanboys are going to come to having Megan Fox in their home, but still. When Transformers 3: In Your Face, Bitches rips a hole in the space-time continuum, this is on you 7.5 million jerks who bought the DVD. The only way I'm in for the next movie is if this is the new Transformer:

3.) You best watch yoself Iraq, Bourne's comin' - The trailer for The Green Zone hit like a sack of bricks to my naughty bits. Holy crap does this look good. I mean, what do you expect from the director of the best Bourne movies and Mr. Bourne himself, but seriously...wowza. Prediction: Because it directly takes on that whole "whoopsie, what WMDs" thing, it's going to piss off die-hard, extremist conservatives (not the regular folks, the ones who swear there are still WMDs in Iraq, we just need to find 'em). These are typically the folks who love them some action movies where things go boom and bad guys get face-shot. I'd like to do my impression of one of these people watching this trailer. "Hey lookie there, that Jimmy Bourne guy is doin' some more fightin'. Hey there, lookit him punchin' those guys in the face. You deserve that face punch terrorist! Hey, why's he yellin' at that white guy? That don't seem right. OH YEAH EXPLOSION! Hey wait, why is the bad guy sound American? That ain't patriotic. HELL YEAH, EXPLOSION!" This is going to cause some serious confusion. Still, the trailer's bad ass.

4.) Just so long as nobody invites Sting, we're cool - The Interwebs reported, and then (who I trust) confirmed that director Peter Berg is off of Dune. I really don't care about that part, so much as I care that the current rumors (that are likely crap) have offers out to Neils. That's right, I'm talking about two Neils: Neil Marshall and Neil Blomkamp. Chances are that even though the latter would just straight-up MURDER this adaptation, making me want to see it so bad that I could barely stand it (an accomplishment, since my current anticipation for the project mirrors my excitement to eat oatmeal), it's not going to be Blomkamp. Chances are that it's going to be Marshall if it is either of them. This is also okay to me, because I loved Doomsday. I caught it on HBO recently and I loved it even more. Oh, it's terrible, but in such a great way. I don't know how this B-movie sensibility would translate into a serious franchise, but it's at least intriguing to me. The important thing is, until they bring in some boring-ass guy I've never heard of, I'm somewhat interested in Dune. This feeling is fleeting, I'm sure of it.

5.) What did you think you'd get if you crossed Kanye and Spike Jonze? - Spike Jonze directed a short film starring Kanye West inspired by Kanye's song "See You in my Nightmares." It's called We Were Once a Fairytale and it's totally f**ked up. At first it's just a cool riff on Kanye's somewhat annoying personality, but then it turns into...well, just watch it. It's been out there in bootleg form for awhile, but it's now now officially online on iTunes, so spend the 2 bucks or whatever and watch it legally (or find it illegally but I won't help you). I personally love it, but go figure I love both of the artists involved. I think Kanye is one of the most intriguing artists of the new century, and I mean that sincerely. His whole personality is this bizarre show, and he is so obviously tormented by that, a point emphasized by the totally batshit insane ending of the short film, which just proves to me that Spike Jonze needs to be making more movies. If you watch it, hit me up (preferably here so everyone can see it) and let me know what you think. You've been warned...totally batshit it makes bats that are batshit crazy more batshit crazy. But I loved it.

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