Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Web of Lies: Noooooooooo

Remember when we told you about the short list for Spider-man's gal? Well, it just got longer by a nose...a surgically altered nose.
That's Hilary F**king Duff. HILARY F**KING DUFF. And whether or not she gets the part, what she currently has is a copy of the new Spider-man script, which I will only assume she can read. We know that she has a copy because someone who was there to interview her NHL-playing husband saw it sitting in their house. If someone came to interview my wife, the breaking news would be "dude has a lot of coffee cups." While I would love her to play Kraven or The Lizard, I believe that chances are better she's going to be up for the role of Gwen Stacy, which makes my soul bleed more than when they did what they did to Gwen Stacy in the comic. I know I should give up all hope on this project, that I should treat it like it exists in some alternate reality where monkeys rule the planet.

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